
Grown Your Small Business Fast - Start With-In!

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People ask me all the time, "What's the fastest way to Market my Small Business?" My answer is always the same - START WITH-IN.

Start With-In Start by telling 5 of your closest friends and / or your family members what your business is all about. Share with them what you offer, sale or service. Try to sale your business to your loved ones first. Give them a free sample or what I call, a "Friends & Family" discount for your business. Serve them better than you would serve your top clients - treat them your best!

Stay Professional & Personal Do not make the mistake of being unprofessional by believing it is o.k. to "take your time" do the job "half- way" or just give less than your best just because they are family. This could be a disaster - you wouldn't want to do your Aunt Linda wrong, would you? Your Aunt will take that real personal, and just like an upset customer she will never forget it. Now when you give your Aunt your best you'll learn that you'll never have to say anything else about your business because your Aunt Linda has now become your #1 spokesperson. Family members love to brag about their relatives. Most of your family wants you to do your best in life and in your business.

Ask For Feed Back Encourage honest feed back and you will receive it. Write a list of questions to give to your family and friends. Customize your list based on: You, Your Product, and Your Service. Ask everyone the same questions - compare and analyze the responses. Have an open mind to accept any opinions offered. Make improvements if you see necessary, and believe me, there should always be improvements.

Pass It On: Now that you've served your friends and family, ASK them to tell only 5 of their closets friends and/or family members about your business. Let them become your spokespersons, they will be your walking commercial. You will then find that most of your new customers came from word-of-mouth. Word- of-Mouth is the most Powerful form of marketing.

Try out these suggestions and let me know how your business grew.


Written By: Nicholas "Redd" Scott Sr.

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